14 November 2008

Three Virtues?

'Coordination is not normally a political goal in itself. It appears only indirectly in the "three virtues" of administration (straightforward government, strong government, and mild government) in the Chinese classical tradition' (Hood, 2005, p.19).

這一句輕描淡寫的話,啟了我相當大的疑竇: 為什麼在我的記憶裡,我怎麼想也想不出 three virtues 對應的中文到底是什麼?


我首先找到的是,three virtues 是由蘇格蘭的漢學家 James Legge 翻譯而成,翻譯的條目是"The Great Plan"。為了找 The Great Plan 到底是在哪本中國古代經典底下,我又花費了一點時間,看到答案真的讓我嚇一跳,原來這是來自於《尚書》。仔細看 James Legge 的背景才發現,這個人真的是不得了,竟然把中國的十三經都能夠逐一翻譯成英文,對於引介中國文化到西方世界有巨大的貢獻。


《尚書‧周書 洪範》


Shû King: Part V: The Books of Kâu - Book IV. The Great Plan

'Sixth, of the three virtues 1.--The first is correctness and straightforwardness; the second, strong rule; and the third, mild rule. In peace and tranquillity, correctness and straightforwardness (must sway); in violence and disorder, strong rule; in harmony and order, mild rule. For the reserved and retiring there should be (the stimulus of) the strong rule; for the high(-minded) and distinguished, (the restraint of) the mild rule. It belongs only to the sovereign to confer dignities and rewards, to display the terrors of majesty, and to receive the revenues (of the kingdom). There should be no such thing as a minister's conferring dignities or rewards, displaying the terrors of majesty, or receiving the revenues. Such a thing is injurious to the clans, and fatal to the states (of the kingdom); smaller affairs are thereby managed in a one-sided and perverse manner, and the people fall into assumptions and excesses.'




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